Friday, April 9, 2010

what a day!woke up at 615 when there is no school, my maid woke me up wrongly. cant go back to sleep. so decided to do english compo. then went bowling with sherman and celeste. met xena and nessa ltr for lunch...hmmm...speech day, nothing much, just the same old thing, i do it all, but still....haiii!!!feeling that life in band really sucks, cause its like...unfair....damn....hai....from the french horn, to the red was long over anyway...but somehow, its so...irritating...gahhh!.. thanks jodie and amanda for supporting me jr.s ever...haha!...speech day, Dr Ong came goodness, i totally almost cried when he shouted crestians 3 times and we much i miss him in our school!!!!!wow..i truly really miss him...i never EVER regret feeling sad on the last day with him in our school....oh wells....just have to live with the new principal.. i got into deep shit with her anyway...haix... pray hard that i dont get punish very severly? like suspension..?hrmmms...

tml school at 8 am...sian...

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