Saturday, June 26, 2010

i think im such an annoyance ! not only do i annoy others, i annoy myself sometimes...hmmm...if im such an annoyance, why should i be here...? hmmm...was just thinking about it last night...slept around 3 am thinking! well i figured that this blog would keep track of my important thoughts and on day, when i look bakc, i know what my thoughts are.. oh wells...and one day, if i never make it through a night or day, someone would eventually find this blog, and read all my post...or...maybe not...since im such an annoyance...hargh! somethings wrong with me! oh well

if i nvr made it to see a sunset or a sunrise one day...just know that i'll be in a better place...waiting for all my beloved ones there...i really hope so...hmmm... anyway! i shall treasure all sunrise and sun sets from now!! my aim is to see 99 sunsets/sunrise before i leave....well...yes! its true i wont be counting it! but 99? why 99? cause the day i see a sunset/sunrise with her, strawberry girl, thats my hundreth. oh may never come true, or it may....nobody knows!God knows! Godbless ya'll!

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