Thursday, June 24, 2010

somehow, i feel im here again at another crossroad. i guess i haven't really been what i really am at ubin. just dislike even my behaviour at times, donno why am i doing things like that and to serve what purpose. its just a change of mood, perhaps the hormones. last night at ubin, i suddenly felt depressed. to that extend, i dno why...was happy for the whole day, then suddenly like depressed, weird hormonal mood changes. hah.. doubt it was because i was tired...but more of...sadness i guess...went for a walk, felt better.. i think the night atmosphere is really good to soothe the mind i guess... hmmm....

do i really love you that much?

somehow, i think i really love her to a certain extend that i am able to at the current point and situation. i shall not commit so soon, however, what i know is that, i would wait for you, and persevere through. whether we become together or not, i know full well, i love you and no regrets for my effort and my time spent.

24/6/2010(incase blogger gets the date wrong, to look back and remember what i've said, not to anyone, but to myself):)

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