Thursday, May 13, 2010

this is the time of my life..where...probably...i really start to find out more about can i be a better we grow into our adulthood...we try to figure out more answer on our own..that we make it our that we can lead a better life...its to react the best to situations...sometimes when we're younger...we see adults handle different situations...sometimes...we like them...sometimes we dislike the way they handle...its their way...but depends on the situation...well now its trying to figure out a stable answer as MY stand, through so many varying situations....its more of what type of life i want to lead as a person...and i guess..and somehow at this point i know i want a life that first is pleasing to God...secondly...i want to see myself as reasonable and respected by others...and i want to live a life...that would allow me to handle things wisely...well..i guess the only one who can give this Wisdom to me is God...but i believe God gave me two adults, my parents, that they are the BEST suiting for ME... i see both my parents handling different situation...sometimes i think that my father is wise in this area...but not so in that...well similar for my somehow...its like...i wanna learn and adopt the way that i like as a solution to handle different situations..because soon, i''ll be faced with such situations...and i have to be able to adapt and to answer this situations with the right answer...

there isn't a textbook in life....but there are different lessons for each of us given daily by God. thats how we grow into people that God wants us to be...we are all different...there is no fixed solution to life.. there is only an Everlasting Provider.

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